Lawn Warriors of East

I chose to live in my neighborhood of East Grand Rapids because it is pleasant and walkable. Some say it’s boring and bourgeois, but I don’t mind that. I like the quiet. I also like to take walks with my wife or sometimes alone. Whenever we’re out we see people working on their yards; mowing, raking, shoveling, planting, weeding. It’s a Sisyphean task that gives one great progress. People in our neighborhood take great pride in their yards and it shows. Maybe this shows my age that I actually care about this. I didn’t use to but hey, now I do. And I can now open a new genre of photography; suburban sidewalk photography!

Getting Published

I’m quite honored to have a whole magazine devoted to one of my projects. This hasn’t happened before. Dek Unu, which means 11 in Esperanto, has made my Ancestry in Progress the feature of their April 2019 issue.

It’s funny. No matter what I come up with or how good I think something is my most successful work deals with the representation of the family. It probably helps that I’ve added some exotic Asianess to the mix.

Photography in the Digital Age

Leaving today for Hiroshima where I will give a talk about how the digital age has changed the medium of photography. Hint: It's not the microchip or the image manipulation that is the biggest change.

Leaving for Prague

Tomorrow I fly out to Prague to attend a conference on Social Media where I will give a talk on how photography no longer needs photographers. The premise is that photography has become an autonomous self-sustaining bio-tech hybrid organism that self-perpetuates. Welcome to obsolescence.

FestFoto Porto Alegre, Brazil

I just got an e-mail from Carlos Carvalho asking me to send 40 images from my Family Portrait Project to his festival in Brazil. It will be a digital display, no prints, but still very exciting. I've never had a show outside the US before. 

ARTPrize 2015

Just found out that I've been accepted into ArtPrize. Come check out my Family Portrait Project at the Children's Museum in Grand Rapids in September.

Write up in Feature Shoot

Got written up for my P.O.V. installation by They feature new and innovative work by photographers so I'm honored they chose to write about me!


Ultimate Selfie at Bethleham

Helping Ritsu install her Ultimate Selfie project at Bethleham Church in downtown Grand Rapids. The opening is next Friday 11/14.